So why should we get a regular wheel alignment?Reduce Fuel Consumption – When wheels are not aligned they cause drag
and the vehicle will use more fuelReduce tyre wear – If tyres are dragging on the road they will deteriorate fasterSafety – A vehicle may understeer or oversteer if wheels are out of alignment this is dangerous and may cause an unnecessary accident.Reduce vehicle wear and tear – If tyres are out of alignment more pressure is put on other parts of the vehicle potentially causing costly damage
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• If you follow our repair recommendations your COF is risk free.
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Peacocke logging approached PME with a problem. They wanted to engineer a system to dramatically improve productivity when harvesting logs on hillsides. Here are the challenges with the project.
If you want to know more about custom made harvesting systems contact PME today.
PME are the only mechanical company in Taupo offering full engineering services. This means while we repair your gear we can deal with engineering repairs all in one saving you time and money.
A winch drum system was developed to fit a bulldozer which would act as an anchor for an excavator (digger) to harvest on a hillside. Effectively the Bulldozer has two massive wire rope winches that are controlled from the bulldozer. These control the excavators decent down steep slopes. The excavator is operated with a levelling cabin to allow the operator to sit level while harvesting. He sits in a roll over protected cabin so should the excavator roll over the likelihood of injury is minimal. There is no operator required in the bulldozer as it is controlled by remote control by the excavator driver allowing ease of movement around the slope.